Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Zoom (link provided upon registration)
Program: In 1885, the jewelry house of Peter Carol Fabergé began what would become the ultimate last great commission of “objects d’art” in the world, The Imperial Easter Eggs. Fabergé received the coveted title, “Goldsmith by Special Appointment to the Imperial Crown” and began the remarkable collection of treasures forever associated with the tragic end of the Russian Imperial Family, the Romanovs. However, through photographs and the astonishing Fabergé Easter Eggs, we get a glimpse of who the Romanovs were as a people and how they lived.
Presenter: Ann Leslie is an instructor at Harper College, Barrington, and previously was a television producer and director. She has also written for various newspaper and magazine articles.
Contact: Nicola Crowe,
17 North State Street Suite 1760 Chicago, IL 60602
p: 312-263-1421 e:
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